Thursday, September 10, 2009

Free Technology for Teachers

I've spent a lot of time over the last week looking for usable, up-to-date blogs that inspire me or give me valid ideas for the classroom. It's been a struggle, since there are so many out-of-date sites to navigate through. Fortunately, my search hasn't been in vain. Richard Byrne's 'Free Technology for Teachers' blog has been useful already, and I just subscribed. Byrnes has been blogging since 2007, and he's put together an amazing compilation of useful sites that offer free technology. Just yesterday I was looking for a fresh way to address the 911 issue. This site gave links for beautifully done free 911 Remembrance films and a very cool site that is creating collective personal stories from the day. I'm excited to use the second site (called Making History- in English class tomorrow as a way to talk about capturing relevant moments in writing.
"Free Technology for Teachers" includes links for free technology to use in Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies classes. It's definitely worth checking out.


  1. Kris,
    I did manage to find your blog and plan to subscribe to Richard Byrne's blog. Will Richardson (Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Tools for Classrooms) also has a awesome blog at where he adds to his eloquent urging for the use of Web 2.0.
    Thanks for the relevant links. I will try to take some time and check them out.


  2. What a gold mine you have offered to the rest of us... Thank you! I can't wait to "dive in" myself.


  3. Kris, We have alot in common. I also love YAL and the getting kids into books. I also "collect" instructional methodology books and have them all sticky-noted and dogeared.
    Good luck this school year and thanks for the web site link.

  4. Just checked out Will Richardson's site. I love it. Like Stephanie said, it's extremely eloquent and totally relevant. I'm going to add him to my Bloglines account. Great stuff.
